57 岁的前飞行员格雷格·林恩 (Greg Lynn) 因在维多利亚州的一个露营地谋杀卡罗尔·克莱 (Carol Clay) 被判有罪。 57-year-old ex-pilot Greg Lynn found guilty of murdering Carol Clay at a campsite in Victoria.
前捷星航空飞行员格雷格·林恩 (Greg Lynn) 因在维多利亚州高山地区的一个露营地谋杀 73 岁的卡罗尔·克莱 (Carol Clay) 而被判有罪。 Former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn has been found guilty of the murder of Carol Clay, 73, at a campsite in Victoria's alpine region. 57 岁的林恩因拉塞尔·希尔和克莱于 2020 年露营时失踪而死亡,在墨尔本最高法院面临为期数周的审判。 Lynn, 57, faced a weeks-long trial at the Supreme Court in Melbourne over the deaths of Russell Hill and Clay, who went missing while camping in 2020. 林恩对两项谋杀指控表示不认罪,但因谋杀克莱被判有罪。 Lynn pleaded not guilty to two counts of murder, but was found guilty of Clay's murder. 他被宣告无罪,罪名是谋杀希尔。 He was acquitted of Hill's murder.