63 岁的安德鲁·布莱尔·霍华德因破坏睡熊沙丘的普拉特河水流而被判处 5 年缓刑、26,000 美元赔偿金,并被禁止进入国家公园。 63-year-old Andrew Blair Howard sentenced to 5 years' probation, $26k restitution, and banned from National Parks for vandalizing Platte River flow at Sleeping Bear Dunes.
63 岁的安德鲁·布莱尔·霍华德因在睡熊沙丘国家湖岸非法改变普拉特河的自然水流而被判处五年缓刑,罪名是破坏和篡改。 63-year-old Andrew Blair Howard was sentenced to five years' probation for vandalism and tampering after illegally diverting the Platte River's natural flow at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. 他被勒令向国家公园管理局支付 22,472.22 美元的赔偿金以及 3,947.71 美元的法庭诉讼费用。 He was ordered to pay $22,472.22 in restitution to the National Park Service and $3,947.71 related to court proceedings. 此外,霍华德在缓刑期间被禁止进入国家公园管理局。 In addition, Howard was banned from National Park Service property during his probation period.