Synechron 收购澳大利亚的 Chamonix IT 和 Exposé,以获得数字化转型能力。 Synechron acquires Chamonix IT and Exposé in Australia for digital transformation capabilities.
领先的数字化转型咨询公司 Synechron 宣布收购位于阿德莱德的公司 Chamonix IT 和 Exposé,以扩大其在澳大利亚的影响力并增强其在数字化转型、工程、人工智能以及数据和分析方面的能力。 Synechron, a leading digital transformation consultancy, has announced the acquisition of Adelaide-based firms Chamonix IT and Exposé to boost its presence in Australia and enhance capabilities in digital transformation, engineering, AI, and data and analytics. 该交易尚待监管部门批准,将影响政府、医疗保健和能源等领域。 The deal, pending regulatory approvals, will impact sectors such as government, healthcare, and energy. Synechron 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Faisal Husain 认为,此次收购将增强 Synechron 的专业知识和能力。 Synechron's Co-founder and CEO, Faisal Husain, sees added expertise and capabilities from the acquisition.