夏洛特市 Plaza Midwood 街区的一起路怒事件升级为枪击事件。 A road rage incident in Charlotte's Plaza Midwood neighborhood escalated into a shooting.
周日,夏洛特市 Plaza Midwood 街区的一起路怒事件升级为枪击事件。 A road rage incident in Charlotte's Plaza Midwood neighborhood escalated into a shooting on Sunday. 两名司机在中央大道靠近山核桃大道的一个路口发生争执,导致一名司机用棍子撞击另一名司机的挡风玻璃。 Two drivers got into an argument at an intersection on Central Avenue near Pecan Avenue, which resulted in one driver striking the other's windshield with a stick or rod. 另一名司机随即向 SUV 开枪,击中了其挡风玻璃上部。 The other driver then shot at the SUV, hitting the top of its windshield.