瑞银集团将 ITM Power 的股票评级上调至“持有”。 ITM Power's stock rating upgraded to Hold by UBS Group.
瑞银集团在周日发布的一份报告中将 ITM Power (OTCMKTS:ITMPF) 的评级上调至持有。 ITM Power (OTCMKTS:ITMPF) was upgraded to a Hold rating by UBS Group in a report released on Sunday. 该公司股票周五开盘价为 0.65 美元,50 天移动平均线为 0.69 美元,200 天移动平均线为 0.70 美元。 The company's stock opened at $0.65 on Friday, with a 50-day moving average of $0.69 and a 200-day moving average of $0.70. ITM Power 在全球各地设计和制造质子交换膜 (PEM) 电解器,为小型到大型项目提供 TRIDENT、NEPTUNE 和 POSEIDON 等产品。 ITM Power designs and manufacturers proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers in various global locations, offering products like TRIDENT, NEPTUNE, and POSEIDON for small to large scale projects.