第 18 届人民院“临时议长” Bhartruhari Mahtab 由总统 Droupadi Murmu 任命,任期至 6 月 26 日新议长选出之时。 18th Lok Sabha's 'pro-tem Speaker' Bhartruhari Mahtab appointed by President Droupadi Murmu, serving until June 26 when the new Speaker is elected.
总统德罗帕迪·穆尔穆 (Droupadi Murmu) 主持了印度人民党议员巴特鲁哈里·马哈塔布 (Bhartruhari Mahtab) 的宣誓就职仪式,任命他为第 18 届人民院“临时议长”。 President Droupadi Murmu administered the oath of office to BJP MP Bhartruhari Mahtab, appointing him as the 'pro-tem Speaker' of the 18th Lok Sabha. 马哈塔布将担任“临时议长”直至 6 月 26 日选出新议长。 Mahtab will serve as the 'pro-tem Speaker' until June 26, when the new Speaker is elected. 议长的选举规则载于宪法第 93 条,由全体人民院议员以秘密投票的方式选出议长。 The rules for electing the Speaker are laid down in Article 93 of the Constitution, with all Lok Sabha members choosing the Speaker by casting their votes in a secret ballot. 自独立以来,历任人民院议长都是通过毫无对手的方式当选的。 Since independence, all Lok Sabha Speakers have been elected unopposed.