Jacob & Co. 推出了一款配有 V16 发动机缸体自动机的布加迪陀飞轮腕表,其灵感来源于该汽车制造商即将推出的超级跑车。 Jacob & Co. introduces the Bugatti Tourbillon watch with a V16 engine block automaton inspired by the carmaker's upcoming hypercar.
Jacob & Co. 推出布加迪陀飞轮腕表,其精巧的 V16 发动机缸体自动机的设计灵感源自这家法国汽车制造商即将推出的陀飞轮超级跑车。 Jacob & Co. unveils the Bugatti Tourbillon watch, featuring an intricate V16 engine block automaton inspired by the French carmaker's upcoming Tourbillon hypercar. 该款腕表拥有 30 秒飞行陀飞轮、双动力储存和限量版。 The watch boasts a 30-second flying tourbillon, twin power reserve, and a limited edition run. 自动化装置模拟了汽车发动机活塞的运动,展示了奢华制表工艺和汽车设计的独特融合。 The automation emulates the car engine's pistons' movement, showcasing a unique blend of luxury watchmaking and automotive design.