动漫系列《Dan Da Dan》在全球影院首映,然后在 Crunchyroll 和 Netflix 上播放,于 8 月 31 日从亚洲开始。 Anime series "Dan Da Dan" premieres globally in theaters before streaming on Crunchyroll and Netflix, starting with Asia on August 31.
《Dan Da Dan》是一部融合了超自然神秘和浪漫元素的动漫系列,将在全球影院首映,然后在 Crunchyroll 和 Netflix 上播放。 Dan Da Dan, an anime series combining paranormal mystery and romance, is set to premiere in theaters globally before streaming on Crunchyroll and Netflix. 前三集名为《丹丹:初次相遇》,将于 8 月 31 日在亚洲首播,9 月 7 日在欧洲首播,9 月 13 日在北美首播。 The first three episodes, titled "Dan Da Dan: First Encounter," will debut in Asia on August 31, followed by Europe on September 7 and North America on September 13. 该剧改编自达行信的漫画,由佐仓绫音和石川快斗担任配音。 Based on Yukinobu Tatsu's manga, the series features voice actors Ayane Sakura and Kaito Ishikawa.