泰勒·斯威夫特在温布利体育馆演唱会上与威廉王子及其孩子们分享了一张自拍照,并祝他生日快乐。 Taylor Swift shared a selfie with Prince William and his children at her Wembley Arena concert, wishing him a happy birthday.
泰勒·斯威夫特在伦敦温布利体育馆的演唱会上与威廉王子及其孩子乔治和夏洛特分享了一张自拍照。 Taylor Swift shared a selfie with Prince William and his children, George and Charlotte, at her Wembley Arena concert in London. 这位流行歌星在她的 Instagram 上发布了这张照片,祝王子生日快乐,并称演出“有一个精彩的开端”。 The pop star posted the photo on her Instagram, wishing the Prince a happy birthday and calling the shows "off to a splendid start." 粉丝们很高兴看到王室成员享受这场音乐会,威廉王子随着《Shake It Off》起舞的视频也在网上流传。 Fans were thrilled to see the royal family enjoying the concert, with footage of William dancing to "Shake It Off" also circulating online.