布里奇城杰斐逊教区一名 4 个月大的婴儿被美国恶霸犬咬伤,伤势严重。 A 4-month-old baby critically injured by American Bully dog in Jefferson Parish, Bridge City.
在布里奇城杰斐逊教区,一名 4 个月大的婴儿遭到家庭成员饲养的一只 2 岁美国恶霸犬的袭击,受重伤。 A 4-month-old baby was critically injured after being attacked by a 2-year-old American Bully dog, owned by a family member, in Jefferson Parish, Bridge City. 袭击发生时,婴儿正坐在婴儿背带里,身上有多处严重的割伤,头骨骨折。 The baby was in an infant carrier when the attack occurred, sustaining multiple severe lacerations and a fractured skull. 该婴儿因危及生命的伤势被紧急送往医院,而动物控制人员则没收了这只狗。 The infant was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, while Animal Control officers seized the dog.