日本和韩国因涉嫌使用 Maps.me 应用进行间谍活动而发生冲突,导致两国历史关系紧张。 Japan and South Korea clash over alleged use of Maps.me app for espionage, straining historical ties.
日本和韩国是美国在亚洲的主要盟友,两国因一款移动应用程序 Maps.me 而发生冲突,导致两国之间的紧张关系升级。 Japan and South Korea, key US allies in Asia, have clashed over a mobile app, Maps.me, escalating tensions between the nations. 日本指责韩国利用该应用程序收集日本军事设施的敏感信息,而韩国则予以否认,并指控日本利用该应用程序监视韩国人。 Japan accuses South Korea of using the app to gather sensitive information on Japanese military installations, while South Korea denies this, alleging that Japan uses the app to spy on South Koreans. 围绕这款应用程序的分歧进一步加剧了两国本已敏感的历史关系的压力。 The disagreement over the app has added strain to already sensitive historical ties between the two countries.