威斯康星州希博伊根县的一座谷仓发生不明原因火灾,导致 40 只鸭子和鸡死亡。 40 ducks and chickens died in a barn fire of unknown cause in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.
周一早上,威斯康星州希博伊根县的一座谷仓发生火灾,造成 40 只鸭子和鸡死亡。 40 ducks and chickens died in a barn fire in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin early Monday morning. 消防员抵达赫尔曼镇县道 A 北的现场时,发现谷仓已被大火吞没。 Firefighters arrived at the scene on County Road A North in the Town of Herman to find the barn fully engulfed in flames. 火灾原因尚不清楚,目前仍在接受希博伊根县火灾调查组的调查。 The cause of the fire is unknown and remains under investigation by the Sheboygan County Fire Investigation Unit.