周六,查谟和克什米尔乌里地区的安全部队击退了沿控制线的一次渗透企图。 Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Uri sector repelled an infiltration attempt along the LoC on Saturday.
周六,查谟和克什米尔乌里地区的安全部队挫败了沿控制线(LoC)的一次渗透企图。 Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Uri sector thwarted an infiltration attempt along the Line of Control (LoC) on Saturday. 事件发生在乌里州巴拉穆拉区 Gohallan 地区。 The incident took place in the Gohallan area of Uri's Baramulla district. 包括军队在内的安全部队注意到了可疑动向,并向恐怖分子发起挑战,导致交火。 The security forces, including the Army, noticed suspicious movement and challenged the terrorists, leading to an exchange of fire. 目前,有关情况的更多详细信息仍有待披露。 Further details on the situation are awaited.