苹果面临着在降低价格的同时保留其低成本 Vision Pro 型号关键功能的挑战。 Apple faces challenges in retaining key features of its low-cost Vision Pro model while reducing price.
由于降价举措,苹果难以维持其低成本 Vision Pro 型号的关键功能。 Apple struggles to maintain key features of its low-cost Vision Pro model due to price reduction efforts. 这家科技巨头面临着在保留混合现实耳机核心功能的同时降低其价格的挑战。 The tech giant is facing challenges in reducing the price of the mixed-reality headset while retaining its core features. 苹果一直在研发这款代号为 N107 的廉价版耳机,目标价格在 1,500 至 2,000 美元之间。 Apple has been working on a cheaper version of the headset, codenamed N107, aiming for a price range of $1,500 to $2,000. 最大的节省来自于需要将其与 iPhone 或 Mac 绑定才能获得其计算能力。 The major savings will come from requiring it to be tethered to an iPhone or Mac for its computing power.