一年一度的“我们是星尘”观星活动重返阿尔德格罗夫地区公园,为游客提供身临其境的天文体验。 Annual "We Are Stardust" stargazing event returns to Aldergrove Regional Park, offering immersive astronomy experiences.
大温哥华地区公园每年举办一次的观星活动“我们是星尘”,如今重返阿尔德格罗夫地区公园。 "We Are Stardust," an annual stargazing event by Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, returns to Aldergrove Regional Park. 该活动是在疫情期间创建的,提供了一种独特的沉浸式体验,即在星空下露营、了解宇宙、识别星座,以及聆听有关夜空的文化故事。 Created during the pandemic, the event offers a unique immersive experience of camping under the stars, learning about the cosmos, identifying constellations, and hearing cultural stories about the night sky. 该活动旨在为天文爱好者提供有教育意义且愉快的体验。 The event aims to provide an educational and enjoyable experience for astronomy enthusiasts.