休·格兰特称赞泰勒·斯威夫特在温布利的演出“精彩绝伦”,并称赞了她的男友特拉维斯·凯尔西。 Hugh Grant praised Taylor Swift's "incredible" Wembley show, complimenting her boyfriend Travis Kelce.
休·格兰特称赞泰勒·斯威夫特在温布利的演出“令人难以置信”,并称她的男友特拉维斯·凯尔西“非常出色,甚至可以说是巨人”。 Hugh Grant praised Taylor Swift's "incredible" show at Wembley, calling her boyfriend Travis Kelce "excellent if gigantic." 这位英国演员与他的妻子和八岁的女儿一起参加了美国流行歌星在伦敦举行的“时代”巡回演唱会的第二晚。 The British actor attended the second night of the American popstar's Eras tour in London, alongside his wife and eight-year-old daughter. 格兰特在社交媒体上表达了对《堡垒之夜》歌手斯威夫特和她的热情好客的钦佩,感谢斯威夫特“一支出色且热情好客的团队”。 Grant took to social media to express his admiration for the Fortnight singer and her hospitality, thanking Swift for "an amazing and v hospitable team."