39 岁的乔纳森·阿科斯塔 (Jonathan Acosta) 因在比尔县西部造成致命肇事逃逸而被捕,他在父亲劳尔·佩纳 (Raul Pena) 将儿子推离危险时将其撞死;他被控以碰撞致人死亡罪。 39-year-old Jonathan Acosta arrested for fatal hit-and-run in west Bexar County, killing father Raul Pena while he pushed his son out of harm's way; charged with collision involving death.
6 月 3 日,39 岁的乔纳森·阿科斯塔 (Jonathan Acosta) 因在比尔县西部肇事逃逸而被捕,据称他撞死了 55 岁的父亲劳尔·佩纳 (Raul Pena),当时后者正将其 12 岁的儿子推离险境。 39-year-old Jonathan Acosta arrested for fatal hit-and-run in west Bexar County on June 3, where he allegedly struck and killed a father, Raul Pena, 55, while he pushed his 12-year-old son out of harm's way. 目击者和调查人员认为阿科斯塔当时喝了酒。 Witnesses and investigators believe Acosta had been drinking. 他在圣安东尼奥警察局分局自首,被指控犯有二级重罪——碰撞致人死亡。 He turned himself in at a San Antonio Police Station substation, charged with collision involving death, a second-degree felony.