英国商人史蒂夫·恩达科特(Steve Endacott)利用人工智能替身“AI Steve”竞选布莱顿亭选区,有望成为世界上第一位人工智能议员。 UK businessman Steve Endacott uses AI avatar "AI Steve" to run for Brighton Pavilion constituency, potentially becoming the world's first AI lawmaker.
英国商人史蒂夫·恩达科特 (Steve Endacott) 使用人工智能生成的虚拟形象“AI Steve”作为英国即将于 7 月 4 日举行的全国大选布莱顿亭选区的候选人。 Steve Endacott, a UK businessman, is using an AI-generated avatar, "AI Steve", as a candidate for Brighton Pavilion constituency in the country's upcoming national election on July 4th. 一旦当选,恩达科特有可能成为世界上第一位人工智能立法者。 If elected, Endacott would potentially become the world's first AI lawmaker. 他的公司 Neural Voice 为人工智能化身提供支持,该化身与选民就各种话题进行交流并收集政策建议。 His company, Neural Voice, powers the AI avatar, which engages with constituents on various topics and gathers policy suggestions.