苏格兰民族党领袖约翰·斯威尼 (John Swinney) 承诺,如果该党在大选中赢得多数席位,将举行苏格兰独立公投。 SNP leader John Swinney pledges a Scottish independence referendum if party wins majority seats in General Election.
苏格兰民族党领袖约翰·斯威尼在大选宣言中强调了该党对独立的承诺,并表示,如果苏格兰民族党赢得苏格兰多数席位,苏格兰政府将开始与英国政府谈判,就苏格兰独立举行另一次公投。 SNP leader John Swinney has emphasized the party's commitment to independence in its General Election manifesto, stating that if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats, the Scottish Government will begin negotiations with the UK government to pursue another referendum on Scottish independence. 最近的民意调查显示,工党可能取代苏格兰民族党成为苏格兰在威斯敏斯特最大的政党。 This follows recent polling suggesting Labour may overtake the SNP as Scotland's biggest party at Westminster.