塞恩斯伯里的银行业务被出售给 NatWest,后者获得了超过 50 亿英镑的资产和 100 万个客户账户。 Sainsbury's banking business is sold to NatWest, which acquires over £5bn assets and 1m customer accounts.
塞恩斯伯里正在将其银行业务出售给 NatWest,后者将获得约 100 万个客户账户、14 亿英镑的无担保个人贷款、11 亿英镑的信用卡余额以及约 26 亿英镑的客户存款。 Sainsbury's is selling its banking business to NatWest, which will acquire around one million customer accounts, £1.4bn of unsecured personal loans, £1.1bn of credit card balances, and about £2.6bn of customer deposits. 该交易预计将于明年上半年完成,不会影响银行客户的条款和条件。 The deal, expected to complete in the first half of next year, will not affect banking customers' terms and conditions.