密歇根州卡斯县发生一起针对性事件,3 人被刺伤;嫌疑人约翰·亨利·库恩斯 (John Henry Coons) 逍遥法外。 3 people stabbed in targeted incident in Cass County, Michigan; suspect John Henry Coons at large.
密歇根州卡斯县发生一起有针对性的刺伤事件,有 3 人被刺伤。 3 people were stabbed in a targeted incident in Cass County, Michigan. 卡斯县警长办公室报告称,受害者分别为 73 岁、75 岁和 31 岁,他们在银溪镇的一所房屋内被发现身中多处刀伤。 The Cass County Sheriff's Office reported that the victims, aged 73, 75, and 31, were discovered with multiple stab wounds at a home in Silver Creek Township. 嫌疑人是 28 岁的约翰·亨利·库恩斯 (John Henry Coons),目前仍逍遥法外。 The suspect, 28-year-old John Henry Coons, remains at large. 当局认为此次袭击并未对社区构成威胁,只是一起有针对性的事件。 Authorities believe there is no threat to the community and the assault was a focused incident.