为期 9 年的 BBC“问答时间”分析显示右翼媒体嘉宾使用过度。 9-year BBC Question Time analysis shows right-wing media guest overuse.
对 BBC 九年来《问答时间》节目嘉宾的分析显示,节目中过度使用右翼声音。 An analysis of BBC's Question Time guests over nine years reveals an overuse of right-wing voices. 卡迪夫大学的研究人员研究了 2014 年至 2023 年间的 352 集节目,发现虽然各主要政党之间保持平衡,但媒体嘉宾中出现了右翼偏见。 Researchers at Cardiff University studied 352 episodes between 2014 and 2023, finding that while main political parties were balanced, a right-wing bias emerged among media guests. 研究表明,该节目经常邀请右翼政治记者参与辩论,并偏向于讨论某些个人。 The study suggests that the program has regularly featured journalists from the political right, favouring certain individuals for debate.