Gruner 可再生能源计划在古吉拉特邦纳夫萨里建设一座价值 22 亿卢比的 CBG 工厂,每年生产 16,000 多吨沼气,支持印度的 Gruner Renewable Energy plans to build a Rs 220 crore CBG plant in Navsari, Gujarat, producing 16,000+ tonnes of biogas annually, supporting India'
Gruner Renewable Energy 计划在古吉拉特邦纳夫萨里建立一个价值 22 亿卢比的压缩沼气 (CBG) 工厂,使用稻谷、压榨泥、甘蔗渣和城市固体废物等具有成本效益的原料。 Gruner Renewable Energy plans to establish a Rs 220 crore compressed biogas (CBG) plant in Navsari, Gujarat, using cost-effective feedstocks like paddy, pressmud, canetrash, and municipal solid waste. 预计年生产能力将超过16,000吨沼气。 The annual production capacity is projected to be over 16,000 tonnes of biogas. 该工厂符合印度减少对化石燃料的依赖和降低原油进口费用的目标。 This plant aligns with India's goals of reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering its crude oil import bill.