米西·希金斯在纽卡斯尔举办的演唱会门票全部售罄,预览了她即将发行的专辑“第二幕”中的歌曲。 Missy Higgins performed sold-out shows in Newcastle, previewing songs from her upcoming album "The Second Act".
米西·希金斯在市民剧院的演出门票销售一空,她的表演展现了原始的情感和幽默,令纽卡斯尔的观众惊叹不已。 Missy Higgins wowed Newcastle audiences at sold-out shows at Civic Theatre, showcasing raw emotion and humor in her performances. 这位现已离异的母亲兼创作歌手,以一组真情流露的歌曲预演了她即将发行的第六张专辑《第二幕》中的歌曲。 The singer-songwriter, now a divorced mother, previewed songs from her forthcoming sixth album, "The Second Act", with a heartfelt set. 她还演唱了首张开创性的专辑《白色的声音》,在坦率、感性的歌曲中融入自嘲式的幽默。 She also performed her seminal debut album, "The Sound of White", balancing her candid, emotional songs with self-deprecating humor.