查谟和克什米尔国大党敦促拉胡尔·甘地担任人民院反对党领袖。 Jammu and Kashmir Congress urges Rahul Gandhi to be Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha.
查谟和克什米尔国大党通过一项决议,敦促拉胡尔·甘地担任人民院反对党领袖。 Jammu and Kashmir Congress passed a resolution urging Rahul Gandhi to take the role of Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. 该决议是在印度邦议会委员会会议上通过的,委员会还对查谟不断恶化的安全局势表示担忧,并敦促政府采取行动打击恐怖主义。 The resolution was passed during a meeting of the Pradesh Congress Committee, where they also expressed concern over the deteriorating security situation in Jammu and urged the government to act against terrorism. 他们祝贺索尼娅·甘地当选国大党议会主席。 They congratulated Sonia Gandhi for being elected chairperson of Congress Parliamentary Party.