印度工业联合会主席表示,由于通胀率高,2024-25 年预算可能会考虑减免最低税率的所得税。 2024-25 Budget may consider income tax relief for lowest slab due to high inflation, suggests CII President.
新当选的印度工业联合会主席桑吉夫·普里 (Sanjiv Puri) 表示,由于高通胀,可能需要在 2024-25 年预算中考虑减免最低税率的所得税。 Newly-elected CII President Sanjiv Puri suggests income tax relief for the lowest slab may need to be considered in the 2024-25 Budget due to high inflation. 他还建议建立一个机构平台,以促进中央和各州之间达成共识,从而成功开展与土地、劳动力、电力和农业相关的改革。 He also suggests creating an institutional platform for consensus building between the Centre and states to successfully carry out reforms related to land, labour, power, and agriculture. 该行业组织并不认为联盟政治会影响莫迪总理第三任期内的改革。 The industry body does not see coalition politics affecting reforms under PM Modi's third term.