全球最大的充气活动“美国大弹跳”在威斯康星州和伊利诺伊州巡回举办,并在麦迪逊、密尔沃基和芝加哥停留。 The Big Bounce America, the world's largest inflatable event, tours Wisconsin and Illinois with stops in Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago.
全球最大的巡回充气活动“美国大弹跳” (The Big Bounce America) 将于未来几周在威斯康星州和伊利诺伊州举行,其中包括全球最大的弹跳屋等精彩活动。 The Big Bounce America, the world's largest touring inflatable event, brings its attractions, including the World's Biggest Bounce House, to Wisconsin and Illinois in the coming weeks. 站点包括麦迪逊、密尔沃基和芝加哥,其中麦迪逊活动定于 8 月 23 日至 25 日,密尔沃基活动定于 9 月 7 日至 15 日。 Stops include Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, with Madison's event scheduled for August 23-25 and Milwaukee's event from September 7-15. 此次旅行共有五种弹跳体验,包括长达 900 英尺的充气“巨人” (The Giant) 和定制充气运动竞技场“Sport Slam”。 The tour features five bounce experiences, including The Giant, an inflatable 900 feet long, and Sport Slam, a customized inflatable sports arena.