迪士尼将在 2026 年的真人电影中邀请凯瑟琳·拉盖亚 (Catherine Laga'aia) 饰演莫阿娜,道恩·强森 (Dwayne Johnson) 饰演毛伊。 Disney casts Catherine Laga'aia as Moana in the 2026 live-action film, alongside Dwayne Johnson as Maui.
迪士尼真人电影《莫阿娜》由凯瑟琳·拉盖亚 (Catherine Laga'aia) 扮演,该片将于 2026 年 7 月上映,道恩·强森 (Dwayne Johnson) 则将扮演毛伊。 Disney casts Catherine Laga'aia as Moana in live-action film, set for July 2026 release, alongside Dwayne Johnson as Maui. 这位来自悉尼的女演员将在 2016 年动画电影的真人版中扮演主角。 The Sydney-based actress will play the titular character in the live-action adaptation of the 2016 animated movie. 影片将于今年夏天开拍,约翰·图伊 (John Tui)、弗兰基·亚当斯 (Frankie Adams) 和雷娜·欧文 (Rena Owen) 将分别饰演莫阿娜的父亲图伊酋长、母亲西娜 (Sina) 和塔拉奶奶 (Gramma Tala)。 The film will begin production this summer, with John Tui, Frankie Adams, and Rena Owen joining the cast in roles as Moana's father, Chief Tui, her mother, Sina, and Gramma Tala, respectively.