沃特敦基督教青年会工作人员因在托儿所发现婴儿有可疑伤害而面临虐待儿童的指控。 Watertown YMCA staff member faces child abuse charges after baby found with suspicious injuries at daycare.
奥科诺莫沃克纪念医院发现一名婴儿身上有可疑伤痕,沃特敦地区基督教青年会一名工作人员因涉嫌虐待儿童而面临指控。 A Watertown Area YMCA staff member faces charges for suspected child abuse after a baby was found with suspicious injuries at Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital. 6 月 5 日,沃特敦警察局接到报警,介入调查,结论是伤害事件发生在日托中心。 The Watertown Police Department was called to investigate on June 5, and concluded that the injuries occurred at the daycare center. 基督教青年会全力配合并将把指控提交给杰斐逊县地方检察官办公室。 The YMCA cooperated fully and charges will be referred to the Jefferson County District Attorney's Office.