法夫 I-5 高速公路上发生一起半挂卡车与两辆汽车相撞的事故,造成 1 人死亡。 1 person killed in I-5 crash in Fife involving semi-truck and two cars.
法夫 5 号州际公路上一辆半挂卡车与两辆汽车相撞,造成 1 人死亡:法夫 5 号州际公路南行线上发生一起半挂卡车与两辆汽车相撞的事故,造成一人死亡。 1 dead in I-5 crash in Fife involving semi-truck: One person was killed in a crash involving a semi-truck and two cars on southbound Interstate 5 in Fife. 华盛顿州交通部于凌晨 4 点 42 分首次报告了东 70 大道附近发生的车祸,到早上 7 点,交通拥堵已达 3 英里。 The Washington State Department of Transportation first reported the crash at 4:42 a.m. near 70th Avenue East, with 3 miles of backup traffic by 7 a.m. 警察发现,一辆汽车在路肩上撞上了一辆抛锚的汽车,随后又被一辆半挂卡车撞倒,导致司机死亡。 Troopers found that a car hit a disabled car on the shoulder, was then hit by a semi-truck, causing the driver's death.