曼加夫区火灾造成 41 人死亡,涉嫌违反法规,建筑物业主被捕,已下令进行调查。 41 killed in Mangaf district fire, suspected code violations, building owner arrested, inquiry ordered.
科威特曼加夫区一栋工人居住的大楼发生火灾,造成 41 人死亡,当局怀疑火灾原因违反了相关法规。 41 people were killed in a fire at a building housing workers in Kuwait's Mangaf district, with authorities suspecting code violations as the cause. 该建筑的业主被逮捕,内政部长谢赫法赫德优素福萨巴赫下令对该事件进行调查。 The building's owner was arrested, and Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah ordered an inquiry into the incident. 这次火灾被认为是科威特历史上最严重的火灾之一。 The fire is considered one of the worst in Kuwait's history.