七国集团警告伊朗向俄罗斯转让导弹将产生后果,并敦促伊朗停止核浓缩。 G7 warns Iran of consequences for transferring missiles to Russia, urges halt to nuclear enrichment.
七国集团警告伊朗,如果向俄罗斯转让弹道导弹,可能产生严重后果,并敦促伊朗停止核浓缩计划和停止核进展,进行认真的对话并保证其核计划用于和平目的。 G7 nations warn Iran of potential consequences if it transfers ballistic missiles to Russia, and urge Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program & cease advancements, engaging in serious dialogue & providing assurances that its nuclear program is peaceful. 七国集团对伊朗最近的核升级、铀浓缩能力的增强以及与俄罗斯的潜在协议表示担忧。 The G7 expresses concern over Iran's recent nuclear escalations, growing capacity to enrich uranium, and potential deal with Russia.