86 岁的 NBA 传奇人物、1972 年湖人队总冠军队员杰里·韦斯特去世,他因其在 NBA 标志中的作用而闻名。 86-year-old NBA legend and 1972 Lakers championship team member Jerry West, known for his role in the NBA logo, passed away.
NBA传奇巨星杰里韦斯特,被誉为“NBA先生”。 NBA legend Jerry West, known as "Mr. 因其在比赛最后时刻的英勇表现而被誉为“关键先生”,他的剪影被认为是 NBA 标志的基础,他于 86 岁去世。 Clutch" for his late-game heroics and whose silhouette is believed to be the basis of the NBA logo, passed away at 86. 韦斯特是一名高得分后卫,曾为湖人队效力 14 个赛季,后来成为一名成功的球队高管。 West was a high-scoring guard who played 14 seasons with the Lakers and later became a successful team executive. 他曾12次入选NBA最佳阵容,是1972年湖人队总冠军球队成员,并三次入选篮球名人堂。 He was a 12-time All-NBA selection, a member of the 1972 Lakers championship team, and was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame three times.