63 岁的保姆凯伦·福斯特因过失杀害 9 个月大的哈洛·科林奇被判处 12 年零 7 个月监禁, 63-year-old Karen Foster, a childminder, was sentenced to 12 years and 7 months in prison for manslaughter of 9-month-old Harlow Collinge,
63 岁的保姆凯伦·福斯特因过失杀害 9 个月大的哈洛·科林奇被判处 12 年零 7 个月监禁。 63-year-old childminder Karen Foster was sentenced to 12 years and 7 months in prison for the manslaughter of 9-month-old Harlow Collinge. 福斯特承认摇晃并杀害了哈洛,哈洛从高脚椅上摔下来,留下严重的脑损伤。 Foster admitted to shaking and killing Harlow, who was left with severe brain injuries after falling out of his high chair. 福斯特是一名拥有 9 年从业经验的注册保姆,但她一直违反英国教育标准局 (Ofsted) 关于她所照顾儿童数量和年龄的规定。 Foster, a registered childminder with nine years of experience, had been breaking Ofsted rules on the number and age of children she should be caring for. 哈洛的家人称福斯特是一个“可怕、虚伪的人”,并对其去世深感悲痛。 Harlow's family called Foster a "horrible, fake individual" and expressed devastation at their loss.