西南航空首席执行官顶住埃利奥特对冲基金的辞职压力,致力于改善财务业绩。 Southwest Airlines CEO resists pressure from Elliott hedge fund to resign, commits to improving financial performance.
西南航空公司首席执行官在一家试图解雇他的对冲基金的压力下表示他不会辞职,并承诺他的领导团队将制定一项计划来改善该航空公司的财务业绩。 Southwest Airlines CEO, under pressure from a hedge fund trying to get him fired, states he will not resign and affirms his leadership team will develop a plan to improve the airline's financial performance. 激进投资者埃利奥特(Elliott)将被考虑提供意见,但首席执行官仍坚持自己的立场。 The activist investor, Elliott, will be considered for input, but the CEO remains committed to his position.