NBA总决赛第二场比赛中,波士顿凯尔特人队以105比98击败达拉斯小牛队,将领先优势扩大到2比0。 In the NBA Finals, the Boston Celtics defeated the Dallas Mavericks 105-98 in Game 2, extending their lead to 2-0.
在 NBA 总决赛第二场比赛中,波士顿凯尔特人队以 105-98 战胜达拉斯小牛队,将领先优势扩大到 2-0,这要归功于朱·霍勒迪的出色表现,他得到 26 分和 11 个篮板。 In the NBA Finals, the Boston Celtics extended their lead to 2-0 against the Dallas Mavericks with a 105-98 victory in Game 2, thanks to a solid performance by Jrue Holiday, who scored 26 points and grabbed 11 rebounds. 凯尔特人队的胜利是他们强大的团队合作和平衡的结果,其中杰萨永·塔图姆和杰伦·布朗等多名球员做出了关键贡献。 The Celtics' victory was a result of their strong teamwork and balance, with key contributions from multiple players, including Jaysayon Tatum and Jaylen Brown. 凯尔特人队现在正处于有利位置,准备参加在达拉斯举行的第三场比赛。 The Celtics are now in a strong position heading into Game 3, which will be held in Dallas.