自 2023 年 11 月以来,已有 500,000 多名用户下载了昆士兰州泰雷兹开发的数字驾驶执照应用程序。 500,000+ users download Queensland's Thales-developed digital driver licence app since November 2023.
昆士兰州的数字驾驶执照应用程序由泰雷兹公司和当地合作伙伴开发,自 2023 年 11 月推出以来,已被超过 500,000 名用户下载。 Queensland's digital driver licence app, developed by Thales and local partners, has been downloaded by over 500,000 users since its launch in November 2023. 该应用程序由泰雷兹的数字身份服务平台提供支持,为用户的身份数据提供了安全的安全保障,并符合移动驾驶执照的国际标准。 The app, powered by Thales' Digital ID Services Platform, offers a secure home for users' identity data and is aligned with international standards for mobile driver licences. 这使得用户能够按照该标准在其他本地和国际司法管辖区出示和分享他们的数字身份证。 This makes it possible for users to present and share their digital IDs in other local and international jurisdictions following the standard.