拜登和枪支管制倡导者利用围绕全国步枪协会、枪支游说团体和特朗普的争议来转移枪支管制辩论。 Biden and gun-control advocates capitalize on controversies surrounding NRA, gun lobby, and Trump to shift gun control debate.
拜登和枪支管制倡导者试图转移枪支管制辩论,利用枪支游说团体和其主要支持者前总统特朗普的强硬立场。 Biden and gun-control advocates seek to shift the gun control debate, capitalizing on hardline positions of the gun lobby and its prominent supporter, former President Trump. 他们还指出,NRA 面临领导层变动和会员人数下降等争议。 They also point to controversies surrounding the NRA, which has faced leadership shuffles and membership declines. 大规模枪击事件和日常枪支暴力事件发生后,推动加强枪支管制的团体获得了政治动力。 Groups pushing tighter gun laws have gained political momentum following mass shootings and daily gun violence.