圣何塞一名男子在因从公寓窗户扔出碎片而与警方对峙期间向警方开枪,随后被捕。 A man in San Jose was arrested after firing at police during a standoff involving debris thrown from an apartment window.
圣何塞一名男子在与警方对峙期间从公寓窗户扔出杂物并向警方开了至少一枪,随后被捕。 A man in San Jose was arrested after firing at least one shot towards police during a standoff where he threw debris from an apartment window. 事件发生时,警方接到报告称有玻璃破碎和物品被扔,于是赶到了现场。 The situation began when police were called to the scene due to reports of glass breaking and objects being thrown. 谈判人员和警察试图以和平方式解决此事,该社区的几条街道仍处于关闭状态,以进行持续的调查。 Negotiators and officers attempted to resolve the situation peacefully, and several streets in the neighborhood remain closed for the ongoing investigation.