尽管吉朗队在六场比赛中遭遇了五场失利,但球队在以 30 分的差距输给悉尼后仍然保持乐观。 Geelong coach Chris Scott remains optimistic after a 30-point loss to Sydney, despite the team's fifth loss in six games.
尽管以 30 分的差距输给悉尼,吉朗队教练克里斯·斯科特仍然保持乐观,称球队还没有走到穷途末路。 Geelong coach Chris Scott remains optimistic despite a 30-point loss to Sydney, saying the team is not a lost cause. 野猫队在六场比赛中遭遇了第五场失败,以 8 胜 5 负的战绩从第三名跌至第五名。 The Cats slumped to their fifth loss in six games, falling from third to fifth on the ladder with an 8-5 record. 斯科特相信他们的困境是可以解决的,而且球队有进步的能力,在本赛季还剩 10 场比赛的情况下进入轮空期。 Scott believes their struggles are fixable and that the team has the capacity for improvement, going into their bye round with 10 games left in the season.