26 岁的津巴布韦 CIO 成员乔治·戈罗蒙多 (George Goromondo) 被指控在其神社强奸一名妇女,他以 200 美元保释金获释,并将于 7 月 8 日出庭受审。 26-year-old Zimbabwean CIO member George Goromondo accused of raping a woman at his shrine, released on $200 bail, due in court July 8.
26 岁的津巴布韦 CIO 成员乔治·戈罗蒙多 (George Goromondo) 在法庭上被指控强奸了一名前往他的神殿寻求精神帮助的妇女。 26-year-old George Goromondo, a CIO member in Zimbabwe, appeared in court accused of raping a woman who visited his shrine for spiritual help. 被告以 200 美元保释金获释,并将于 7 月 8 日返回法庭,以确定审判日期。 The accused, released on $200 bail, will return to court on July 8 for a possible trial date allocation. 据称,戈罗蒙多威胁该女子不许透露此事,该女子的祖母随后向警方举报。 Goromondo allegedly threatened the woman not to reveal the incident, which was reported to the police by her grandmother.