26 岁的食品承包商 Tynequa Leopold 因将大麻等违禁品带入圣马丁教区监狱而被捕并受到指控。 26-year-old Tynequa Leopold, food contractor, arrested and charged with introducing contraband, including marijuana, into St. Martin Parish jail.
26 岁的 Tynequa Lynkel Leopold 是圣马丁教区监狱的一名食品承包商,他被捕并被指控犯有犯罪共谋、将违禁品带入监狱以及持有毒品罪。 26-year-old Tynequa Lynkel Leopold, a food contractor at St. Martin Parish jail, was arrested and charged with criminal conspiracy, introducing contraband into a penal institution, and drug possession. 据称,这名拉斐特女子试图将大麻等违禁物质带入惩教中心。 The Lafayette woman allegedly attempted to bring banned substances, including marijuana, into the correctional center. 调查仍在进行中,可能会有更多人被捕。 The investigation is ongoing, and further arrests are possible. 利奥波德目前没有债券。 Leopold currently has no bond.