18 岁的苏芮·克鲁斯是汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的女儿,她计划于 9 月入读卡内基梅隆大学。 18-year-old Suri Cruise, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, plans to attend Carnegie Mellon University in September.
18 岁的苏芮·克鲁斯是汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的女儿,她通过纽约市拉瓜迪亚高中的一位同学发布的一段罕见的 TikTok 视频透露,她将于 9 月就读宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的卡内基梅隆大学。 18-year-old Suri Cruise, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has revealed she will be attending Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in September via a rare TikTok video posted by a fellow student at New York City's LaGuardia High School. 视频中,苏瑞身穿一件红色的卡内基梅隆大学连帽衫,象征着她未来的母校。 The video showed Suri wearing a red Carnegie Mellon hoodie, indicating her future alma mater. 据报道,苏瑞正在考虑主修时尚专业。 Suri is reportedly considering a major in fashion.