25 岁的堪萨斯城酋长队球员 BJ Thompson 在一次球队会议期间突发癫痫并心脏骤停,导致活动取消并住院治疗。 25-year-old Kansas City Chiefs player BJ Thompson experienced a seizure and cardiac arrest during a team meeting, resulting in activity cancellations and hospitalization.
堪萨斯城酋长队防守端锋 BJ 汤普森在 6 月 6 日的一次球队会议上突发癫痫并心脏骤停,导致球队取消了当天的所有活动。 Kansas City Chiefs defensive end BJ Thompson suffered a seizure and went into cardiac arrest during a team meeting on June 6, prompting the team to cancel all activities for the day. 25 岁的汤普森是 2023 年第五轮选秀球员,他被送往医院,情况稳定。 Thompson, a 25-year-old 2023 fifth-round pick, was taken to the hospital in stable condition. 酋长队的媒体见面会原定于 6 月 6 日举行,现移至 6 月 7 日。 The Chiefs' media availability, originally scheduled for June 6, was moved to June 7. 汤普森在新秀赛季只出场过一场比赛。 Thompson had appeared in one game during his rookie season.