由于边界变化,北牛津郡大选宣布有 8 名班伯里候选人和 6 名比斯特候选人参选;请在 6 月 18 日前登记,亲自投票时请携带带照片的身份证件。 8 Banbury and 6 Bicester candidates announced for North Oxfordshire's General Election due to boundary changes; register by 18 June, bring photo ID when voting in person.
随着边界变化,北牛津郡大选已宣布有 8 名班伯里候选人(普伦蒂斯、伍德科克、亚当斯、贝克、托普利、贝灵汉、内维尔、索珀)和 6 名比斯特候选人(哈里森、奥克肖特、米勒、米德尔顿、奥博多、芬内尔)参选。 8 Banbury candidates (Prentis, Woodcock, Adams, Baker, Topley, Bellingham, Nevile, Soper) and 6 Bicester candidates (Harrison, Oakeshott, Miller, Middleton, Obodo, Funnell) have been announced for the North Oxfordshire General Election, following boundary changes. 切维尔的选民可以在议会网站上核实他们的新选区。 Voters in Cherwell can verify their new constituencies on the Parliament website. 投票时需注册并出示有效的带照片的身份证件。 Registration and valid photo ID are required to vote.