34 岁的理查德·博汉手持刀具,对一个乌克兰家庭大喊,让他们离开他们在都柏林的家;他承认自己持有危险武器。 34-year-old Richard Bohan, wielding a knife, screams at a Ukrainian family to leave their Dublin home; pleads guilty to producing a dangerous weapon.
一名男子持刀对乌克兰家庭大喊,让他们“搬出”都柏林的新家;他承认持有可造成严重伤害的刀。 Man wielding knife screams at Ukrainian family to "move out" of new home in Dublin; pleads guilty to producing a knife capable of inflicting serious injury. 法庭看到,34 岁的理查德·博汉向这家人扔了一个水桶,并大喊要他们离开房子。 Richard Bohan, 34, was observed by the court to have thrown a bucket at the family and was screaming for them to leave their house. 一名公众用扫帚分散了博汉的注意力,并让他一家人撤回了家中。 A member of the public distracted Bohan with a sweeping brush, allowing the family to retreat into their home. 爱尔兰警察赶到现场,并依据《枪械和攻击性武器法》逮捕了博汉。 Gardaí arrived and arrested Bohan under the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act.