位于密歇根州大急流城的具有 50 年历史的地标性建筑 Johnny Brann's Steakhouse & Grille 将被拆除,用于兴建一个价值 2500 万至 4500 万美元的混合用途开发项目,其中包括 102 套公寓, 50-year landmark Johnny Brann's Steakhouse & Grille in Grand Rapids, MI, will be demolished for a $25M-$45M mixed-use development, including 102 apartments,
位于密歇根州大急流城的具有 50 年历史的地标性建筑 Johnny Brann's Steakhouse & Grille 即将被拆除,用于兴建一个价值 2500 万至 4500 万美元的混合用途开发项目。 Johnny Brann's Steakhouse & Grille, a 50-year landmark in Grand Rapids, MI, is set to be demolished for a $25M-$45M mixed-use development. 新项目预计于 2026 年完工,将容纳多达 102 套公寓、零售空间和一家与 Brann's 有关联的概念餐厅。 The new project, scheduled for completion in 2026, will house up to 102 apartments, retail spaces, and a concept restaurant affiliated with Brann's. 该餐厅将于6月7日暂停营业,准备进行施工。 The restaurant will temporarily halt operations on June 7th to prepare for construction.