Netflix 重新设计了电视应用程序,以便更轻松地发现内容,引入了更大的标题卡、自动播放预告片和顶部菜单。 Netflix redesigns TV app for easier content discovery, introducing larger title cards, auto-playing trailers, and a top-side menu.
Netflix 十多年来首次重新设计其电视应用程序,旨在让用户更轻松地找到内容。 Netflix is redesigning its TV app for the first time in over a decade, aiming to make it easier for users to find content. 该流媒体平台正在测试一种新的主屏幕布局,其中包括更大的标题卡、自动播放预告片,以及用顶部菜单取代左侧菜单。 The streaming platform is testing a new home screen layout featuring larger title cards, automatically playing trailers, and replacing the left-side menu with a top-side menu. 此次重新设计正值 Netflix 希望增加用户参与时间并吸引订阅者加入其新的广告支持层级之际。 This redesign comes as Netflix looks to increase user engagement time and attract subscribers to its new ad-supported tiers.