特朗普在凤凰城的集会前,在 110° 的热浪中,11 人因中暑住院。 11 hospitalized with heat exhaustion before Trump's Phoenix rally in a 110° heatwave.
在前总统特朗普于亚利桑那州凤凰城举行集会前,气温骤降 110 华氏度,热浪袭来,11 人因中暑住院。 11 people were hospitalized with heat exhaustion before former President Trump's rally in Phoenix, Arizona, amid a heatwave with temperatures reaching 110 degrees. 此次活动由保守派青年团体“转折点”组织,正值特朗普自 2022 年中期选举以来首次访问这个战场州。 The event, organized by conservative youth group Turning Point, occurred during Trump's first visit to the battleground state since the 2022 midterms.