6 月 8 日,Te Tuhi 放映了 Huarere:天气之眼,天气之耳,这是世界天气网络的一部分,是一部以气候为重点的艺术放映作品。 Te Tuhi showcases Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, a climate-focused art screening as part of the World Weather Network, on 8 June.
作为全球世界天气网络的一部分,Te Tuhi 推出了一个放映节目,Huarere:天气之眼,天气之耳。 Te Tuhi presents a screening programme, Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, as part of the global World Weather Network. 该节目展出了五件艺术家创作的全新动态影像作品,探索不稳定的气候,从亲密的天气景象到推测的未来。 The programme features five new moving image works by artists who explore the volatile climate, from intimate weather visions to speculative futures. 放映将于 6 月 8 日星期六举行,届时参观者可以观看艺术品并与艺术家和策展人 Janine Randerson 见面。 The screening takes place on Saturday 8 June, where visitors can view the artworks and meet the artists and curator, Janine Randerson.